Take care of your health with us - Centrum Handlowe Auchan Bielany
Centrum Handlowe Auchan Bielany

Take care of your health with us


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Every moment is good to take care of your health and fitness. On Saturday, May 20th, in our Shopping Centre it will be possible to perform tests and measurements that will help assess what shape we are and indicate which areas related to our health should be taken care of as soon as possible. We invite you from 11.00 to 17.00 to special stands in the passage of our Shopping Centre. Free entrance.

The partner of the action is the National Health Fund.

Mark the level of glucose and cholesterol and take advantage of the advice of NHF specialists
During the health campaign in our Shopping Centre, you will be able to determine the level of glucose and cholesterol in the blood free of charge. The samples will be safely collected by specialists from Diagnostyka. The blood glucose result will be available almost immediately, so you can see if you are at risk of diabetes. In addition, the nurse will take body measurements, calculate BMI and measure blood pressure.
At the Diagnostics stand, you will also be able to buy test packages for women and men at attractive, promotional prices. The offer will include „Trenuj zdrowo” packages, which include blood counts and the level of selected hormones, including thyroid hormones, “Aktywna kobieta”, which will include blood counts and the most important hormones important for a woman’s health, and “Aktywny mężczyzna”, which will perform a complete blood count and determine selected hormones. Specialists will tell you about the details of the packages.

At one of the next positions, NFZ specialists will tell you how to change your eating habits with the diet.nfz portal, how to take care of your health using preventive programs and will help you set up the MojeIKP, MojeFizjo+ applications.

Learn to self-examine your breasts
Breast self-examination is one of the most important elements of breast cancer prevention, which is one of the most common cancers in women in Poland. On a special phantom, under the supervision of volunteers from the Amazon Foundation, you will be able to learn how to independently control your breasts.

Get ready for summer – check out moles and birthmarks
During the action, it will also be possible to perform a dermatological examination of moles and discoloration in order to detect melanoma, i.e., skin cancer. This is important, especially before the beach season.

Get your European Health Insurance Card (EKUZ) right away and learn about preventive programs of the National Health Fund
European Health Insurance Card is a document that confirms our right to health services when we need medical assistance abroad, in one of the European Union countries. It is worth getting it before going abroad. It will be possible to do it in a few minutes at a special stand during the action in our Shopping Centre.

In addition, during the visit, you will be able to learn about health programs implemented by the National Health Fund, including Prophylaxis 40+, as well as prevention of breast, cervical, ovarian, and large intestine cancers, as well as cardiovascular and lung diseases. You will also be able to learn about preventive programs addressed to the youngest.

We encourage you to participate and take care of your health every day!