Meeting with a dog behaviourist at Maxi Zoo - Centrum Handlowe Auchan Bielany
Centrum Handlowe Auchan Bielany

Meeting with a dog behaviourist at Maxi Zoo


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Do you have a dog? Do you want to get to know his character better? Do you have problems with the behaviour of your pet and would like to find a way to solve them? Or maybe you want to learn to communicate better with your pet?

On Saturday, May 27th, we invite you for free consultations with a dog behaviourist in the Maxi Zoo salon in our Shopping Centre.
Marek Mulica, a dog trainer and behaviourist with many years of experience, will share his extensive knowledge about the dog’s character and ideas for solving difficulties in everyday life with a dog.

Each participant can count on a 15-minute individual meeting and work with the animal for a good start of better, more partner relationships with the dog.


Consultations with a behaviourist are free and will take place from 18.00 to 20.00. You must register for classes.

This can be done in advance in person at the Maxi Zoo salon in our Shopping Centre, call 882 553 779 or send an SMS to which the Maxi Zoo staff will then send confirmation of the registration and date.

You should bring your dog to a meeting with a behaviourist and stock up on his favourite delicacies, patience and good mood.

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